기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2022-05-18 00:15:48

▲ TALK ART = Creation is a self-identity created by `awareness of the essence` and `sensitivity of the unconscious`. / contemporary artist Kang GyeongHo. May 17, 2022

TALK ART YOU = Creation is a self-identity created by 'awareness of the essence' and 'sensitivity of the unconscious'. / contemporary artist Kang GyeongHo. May 17, 2022

TALK ART YOU = 'Creation' is 'self-identity'

[덧붙이는 글]
創造는‘本質에 대한 自覺과 無意識의 感受性이 빚어내는 自己正體性’이다. / Creation is a self-identity created by 'awareness of the essence' and 'sensitivity of the unconscious'./ 창조는 '본질에 대한 자각'과 '무의식의 감수성이 만들어내는 자기정체성'이다.
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